First Walkie Talkie Netwalk of 2016

After the positive feedback from 2015 attendees, our Walkie Talkie Netwalk in collaboration with Dalycom, The Fit for Work Team & Charnwood Borough Council’s Sport and Active Recreation team has now gone monthly.

It’s being held on the first Wednesday of every month making it easier to remember. We’re calling it Walkie Talkie Wednesday.

The Netwalk

Today was the first walk of 2016 and it was a misty start! It was nice to see the park in a different view though as it almost had an eery feel to it. Don’t let that put you off though, the surroundings got more stunning as it started to become lighter.

Waiting to start the walk

A group of local business people (and the Park  ranger) met in the car park at 8.30am and set off to walk and talk in pairs, stopping to change partners after  every 10 minutes or so.

Every so often, the ranger would stop to share some interesting facts about the park and tell us what activities are going on that month. If you don’t learn anything else you will definitely come away knowing something that you didn’t know before!

Ranger talking about park

After our 3.5 mile walk (it didn’t feel like we’d walked this much as we were too engrossed in the talking) we made or way back to the Cafe for some coffee and a bacon roll (or croissant) and carried on networking.

It’s a great way of getting a bit of exercise in the fresh air whilst meeting new business contacts.

If you would like to network with with us book your place on the Eventbrite Page here

Walkie Talkie Wednesdays are delivered in partnership by The Fit for Work Team, Charnwood Borough Council’s Sport and Active Recreation team and Dalycom.

For more information on the walk organisers:

The Fit for Work Team-

Charnwood Borough Council, Sport and Active Recreation team –